Welcome to Gracious AI Radio!

Hi, I’m Lisanne - artist-futurist, public speaker and AI ethics consultant.

For the past six years I’ve analyzed, consulted and made work on humanity’s journey with AI, and guiding AI with grace.

Now, you’ve landed on my newest experiment: Gracious AI Radio.

‘Radio?’ You’re thinking. Well, not exactly. I don’t think of this as a newsletter, nor a podcast, nor a youtube channel, definitely not radio… but something of a blend between them. I want to allow this to emerge and see what it wants to become. For sure, it will be something that makes that I can hear you, and you can hear me, without the distraction of Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter. A place where we can immerse ourselves in contemplating how we can guide AI with grace, and design truly gracious futures. How we can blend ecology, technology, spirituality and somatics to address the challenges, ethics and opportunities of AI.

So, let’s begin. Welcome to Gracious AI Radio, I’m so glad you’re here!

For now, the content that you can expect here is:

  • Collected insights and trends from the field of AI ethics, applied to various industries

  • Open conversations between ethics of AI pioneers (or just people who have interesting viewpoints about AI) and moi

  • Short essays and personal reflections weaving a web between the natural and artificial, human and more-than-human, scientific and spiritual - figuring out how we can be the required gracious humans our future needs

  • Sharing my futurist toolkit, growing worlds, speculating and visioning future trajectories, sharing news and project updates, creating an overview effect of what’s ahead

  • All this time - growing a future-forward community to learn and grow with

For now, paid subscribers get the same content as free ones. So you’re free to decide if you want to support this project or just absorb it ☺︎. I am planning to publish at least one essay, and soon one interview, each month. I will experiment with audio and video. For now it’s going to be a little bit unpredictable, but that’s what keeps it interesting. And the good news is, there is simply lots to talk about on our way to designing truly gracious AI!

So tune in, dial up, connect and comment until I can hear you!⁠ Tell me what you’re curious to learn about, and please share your viewpoints and questions with me along the way. Thanks so much for being here.

♡ Lisanne


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A think tank on guiding AI with grace, and designing truly gracious futures. Here, I'm blending ecology, technology, spirituality and somatics to accelerate the transition to a regenerative future.


Lisanne Buik is an artist-futurist, AI ethics consultant and public speaker committed to designing gracious futures, with AI.